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Atoun provides an innovative way to solve your central heating problems without having to install gas. Our electric boilers provide hot water and central heating just like a combi gas boiler.

We provide a cost effective solution to storage heaters. Because no gas flue or supply is required our boilers are easily installed and are ideal for all electric buildings and flats.

What is Atoun all about?

Who are we?

All you need to know about Atoun and our products.

Our combi electric boilers are intended for the production of thermal energy and open central heating systems.  It can be used for providing heating and hot water of residential buildings i.e flats and houses and business premises alike.

We currently offer a 4kw combi boiler that provides central heating and hot water.  It offers a compact and aesthetic  design that can be hung on the wall and take up very little space.

In comparison to using one of our systems you’ll no longer need and immersion heater and electric shower.  No need for storage heaters which use 3kw per room per heater. Our  mini boiler uses 3kw for the entire property.  


We can upgrade boilers to 8kw and 10kw upon request.


Our Atoun Combi boilers range all come with timers for your convenience just like a normal gas boiler. So you can preset you central heating to switch on at a convenient time.


With smart metres becoming compulsory in the next few years it will be a great way to monitor your electric usage.

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